
Sex Differences in Nutrition
A large number of people lead an active lifestyle with the aim to lose body fat with minimal muscle loss for aesthetic or performance purposes. This can be taken to the extreme by individuals who are competitors in different aesthetic and/or weight class sports.
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Breakfast … the Most Important Meal?
A recent article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) argues that previous studies used to portray breakfast to be the most important meal of the day may be biased. There has been a case for breakfast built on the...
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MUTANT PRO – Is It All About Protein Timing?
Protein or nutrient timing could be defined as the consumption of protein/nutrients in and/or around an exercise bout. This has been a favored strategy adopted by bodybuilders to optimize numerous performance- and muscular-related adaptations. Indeed, a number of researchers have...
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Drop Sets – Worthless or Worth the Struggle
It has been widely accepted that training to concentric muscular failure is needed to maximize exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy. Muscular failure can be defined as “the point during a resistance exercise set when the muscles can no longer produce sufficient force...
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